The Philips Achieva 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner is capable of a wide range of in vivo measurements. It has the following features:
Body coil
Parallel imaging (SENSE) technology
8 channel SENSE head coil
Proton MR Spectroscopy
Multi-nuclear spectroscopy hardware with Phosphorus surface coil
SENSE spine coil
SENSE knee coil
SENSE torso coil
SENSE cardiac coil
2 SENSE Flex L coils
SENSE Flex M coil
SENSE Flex S coil
MEDRAD power Injector
fMRI Presentation and analysis system
Back projection system for visual presentation
Dedicated presentation computer
LUMI touch response system - button press
AVOTEC Audio presentation system
ASL Eye tracking system
One of the main features of the Philips magnet is that it is very compact in design, thereby making it less claustrophobic than the larger long bore scanners.
This complete MRI system enables our Imaging Centre to perform a very wide range of possible experiments on the Philips 3.0 Tesla scanner. The following is a sample of the types of measurements we support.
fMRI with a wide range of presentation protocols
Proton spectroscopy, single voxel, 2D and 3D with analysis
Diffusion tensor imaging with fibre tractography capability
Relaxation time measurements and analysis
MR Angiography
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Myelin Water Imaging